Called to Serve

I'm Alicia Garver, and I'm a Mormon. I'm currently serving a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, in the Georgia Atlanta North Mission. I love what I'm doing, and I'm excited to be sharing His message and His love with the people in Georgia.

Come for a ride with me as I share my bicycle and walking shoes!

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

7/13/15 Jack's Bean Stalk and Crazy People

I've had a fun week. Meant both seriously and sarcastically.

I'll start off with a miracle. The first investigator Sister Blair
ever taught was finally getting baptized in her old ward. However, if
we wanted to attend, we had to have both a ride and an investigator
for our area. Do you know how HARD that is?! Nigh impossible. And on
top of that, the baptism was on Friday at 3 in the afternoon when
everyone is working. And we only had 3 days notice. I was convinced we
wouldn't be able to go, but Sister Blair was desperate to go, so we
did all we could think of. We called every one of our investigators
and a good chunk of potential and former investigators. We called most
of our part member families and asked many of the people that we
tracked into. Nothing. No one could go. We did have one investigator
who could've gone, but she only speaks Korean, and every single one of
the Korean speaking members who could've translated couldn't come. It
was devastating for Sister Blair, but there was no way we could go. She
was heartbroken. Why didn't God answer her prayers? Then two hours
before the service started, and the place is an hour away, when we had
no hope of going, we get a call from a former. "Oh, you have a
baptism? I've wanted my kids to see one. Come on over and we'll drive
you there." No. Way. Mind. Blown. The Lord really does hear and answer
our prayers and He cares about what is important to us. It was such a
testimony builder to both of us.

Now the bean stalk story. We went over to this one member's home for
dinner and then service. And parking in front of the house, we knew
right away what the service was going to be. I have NEVER seen a weed
that big in my entire life, either through experience or even on
screen. No joke, that thing was as tall as their two story home. The
base was around a foot and a half thick and the main stalk was as
thick as a Costco muffin. This looks so out of place too, as we are in
the middle of a well kept neighborhood and the rest of their lawn
looks fine. And then boom. Jacks bean stalk. Challenge accepted. And,
long story short, I won :) The neighbors tree took a little bit of
damage when it came down though. Oops.

And now for the fun part. Crazies. Note to self, going on team ups
with recent converts from a very, um, different religious background
might not be the best idea. Imagine all the gung-ho, fire and
brimstone, passionate, Baptist type, Jesus-loving people you can
imagine. That was her. Now imagine tracting into a loon. A legit,
probably-should-be-in-a-mental-institution nut. Now put the two
together. Yup. That was fun. 45 minutes later, long, long after both
Sister Blair and I wished to be somewhere far away, we managed to part
with this man. We decide to knock one door at least, only to have it
open to a crazy 80 year old Catholic lady. I have never heard someone
rebuke the devil in the name of Christ before because they misplaced
their glasses. She also told us that she had read the Book of Mormon
before because it was in the Bible. Oh boy howdy. Great Sabbath Day,

Three good things did happen that day though. One: meetings were
canceled. Yay! I got to lay in bed for an extra 20 minutes. Two: Sister
Blair gave an AMAZING talk in Sacrament meeting on the Book of Mormon.
Three: one of our less actives we've been working with for a long long
time came to church. She and her husband have both decided it is time
to come back. They want to be temple worthy again. It makes everything
we do and go through worth it :)

Love ya'll!
Sister Garver

PS this picture is of our last sisters P-Day. One sister had brought a
bunch of cool glass bottles a member had decorated to use as vases and
one sister had the great idea of us posing with them...

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