Called to Serve

I'm Alicia Garver, and I'm a Mormon. I'm currently serving a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, in the Georgia Atlanta North Mission. I love what I'm doing, and I'm excited to be sharing His message and His love with the people in Georgia.

Come for a ride with me as I share my bicycle and walking shoes!

Monday, August 10, 2020

11/23/15 Elder Holland is Coming!

 Oh my goodness are these next few weeks going to be a BLAST!!

This week is, of course, Thanksgiving. We are doing service in the
morning, helping someone move, and then are going for dinner at a
member's home. As for the rest of the day, well, we'll see. Tracting
might not be a great idea, so we'll probably just be dropping in on
members and sharing a message of giving gratitude for anyone who will
let us in.

Next week, we get to go to the temple! Yes! So excited!

The next week is the ward Christmas party.

The week after that, Elder Holland is coming to Georgia!!! He is going
to be speaking to all the women, meaning we sisters can go as well,
but we'll just watch a broadcast at our stake building. However, the
next day, he will be speaking to all the full time missionaries from
both the Atlanta North Mission and the Atlanta Mission. That will be
huge, so much fun, and we will all be able to see him in person! It'll
be like being at the MTC but, of course, so much better. That'll be
about 400-500 missionaries in one building with Elder Holland. Can you

Anyway, miracle story for this week. We had two investigators that had
promised to come to church. We had called them that morning as well
and confirmed and they were excited to come. We had arranged for
someone to pick them up and everything. Then 45 minutes before church
started, they called. He said her blood pressure had gone up and they
might not be able to come. We told him to wait, pray, and check again
in 15 minutes. We prayed like crazy. Honestly, we knew they HAD to
come to church, but it was going to take a miracle, because her blood
pressure was up to 190, which is apparently really bad. 20 minutes
later, her blood pressure has gone down but not enough. But we still
felt like they should come. So with 20 minutes til church was supposed
to start we sent over a member to give her a blessing. We were on pins
and needles and pouring out our whole souls for a miracle, and yet
church started with no sign of the investigators or the member. But as
we started singing the sacrament hymn, as if in answer to our
pleading, in they walk. She was completely fine and smiling and they
stayed all three hours and loved church and made friends. God
seriously answers our prayer. When we do all we can and place the rest
in His care, He works miracles!

Love ya'll! Happy Thanksgiving!
Sister Garver

PS. We saw a chicken and a rooster while we were tracting. It was
weird. So I took a picture.

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