Called to Serve

I'm Alicia Garver, and I'm a Mormon. I'm currently serving a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, in the Georgia Atlanta North Mission. I love what I'm doing, and I'm excited to be sharing His message and His love with the people in Georgia.

Come for a ride with me as I share my bicycle and walking shoes!

Monday, August 10, 2020

12/28/15 A Missionary Christmas

 Merry Christmas, every one :)

We had a pretty good Christmas. We woke up at 6:30, dressed in our
workout clothes, stretched for a good 45 seconds, and then Sister
Tanner looked at me and said, "Should we just open them?" You know it.
It was fabulous. There is no "open presents one at a time so everyone
can see!" on on a mission. It's just a "go for it" attitude 😊
Definitely felt lots of love :) We then headed off to a giant
breakfast with a less active family, then left to go FaceTime my
family with another family in the ward, who also provided a nice big
lunch, then said our goodbyes and headed off to Christmas dinner
complete with a snickers cheesecake for dessert. All within about 4
hours. We had about a half hour before our next appointment so we
decided to take a nice little stroll/contact any we walked into to
help digest, after all, it was really nice out. 15 minutes later, it
starts to rain. We were drenched by the time we made it back to the
lady's apartment. It was so funny! And to cap the day off, we had
collected so much food and sugar from members that we didn't eat, we
decided to simply pass on the love. We made 4 plates, two goodie bags
and a box with all the sugar and chocolate, and ding-dong-ditched all
of our neighbors in our apartment building. Perfect :)

The Christmas miracles have continued this week as well. We've got in
with a lot of less active members I haven't been able to get in with
before. One said he would love to start coming back and would love to
have us over for dinner. Another immediately opened up to us, talked
the whole time, and, crying, gave us both hugs and kisses on the
forehead (yeah, we didn't know how to react) and told us he really
appreciated us coming over. It was alright. He reminded me a bit of Papa,
a sweet grandpa-like man. And another family got roped into meeting
with us and giving their 9-year old unbaptized son the lessons
because we pulled up just in time to see active grandpa visiting them
and standing in the driveway.

I love watching God work. He always does such a better job than I do.

With New Years coming up, what resolutions are you making? One thing
my trainer taught me is PASTF. Setting not just physical goals like
losing weight, but setting: Physical, an Attribute of Christ,
Spiritual, Temporal, and Fun goals for the future. Mine this year will
be losing the weight I've gained this holiday season, working on
charity, reading the Book of Mormon through in 8 weeks and then
studying for at least a half hour daily when I get home, and I'm still
thinking about the other ones. What are your goals?

Love ya'll!!
Sister Garver

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